Do You Want to be HAPPY?

Do You Want to be HAPPY?

We usually associate the word “beatitude” with the nine “Blessed are those who…” statements in Matthew 5. Some bible students will also know that four of these are repeated in what is sometimes called the “sermon on the plain” (Luke 6), and a few more might recognize that there are also seven more beatitudes in the book of Revelation. There are also nearly 25 more “beatitudes” in the old testament, mainly among the Psalms (about 18, plus one each in Proverbs, Jeremiah, and Daniel, and 2 in Isaiah).

Various authors have characterized beatitudes as the “be happy attitudes” (Warren Wiersbe), the “secrets of happiness” (Eldred Stevens), and various similar descriptions. One quality that appears repeatedly in the beatitudes of the psalms is the idea of trusting in the Lord.

Four beatitudes in the Psalms (2:12, 34:8, 40:4, and Psalm 84:12) connect the ideas of happiness and blessing with trusting God (Solomon also does this in Proverbs 16:20). There are several things associated with “trusting in the Lord” in these passages that are worthy of our attention. In Psalms 2:12 and 34:8, “trusting” in the Lord means to seek refuge or protection in Him, or to confide in Him. Trusting the Lord in Psalm 40:4 is a deliberate, conscious choice by an individual, however – it is not “forced,” either by God or anyone else. Proverbs 3:5 echoes the basic idea here: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding”. The “proud” and “those who turn aside” in Psalm 40:4 are synonymous with people who reject God’s counsel and guidance to trust only in their own (perceived) wisdom (Pilate would be a good example of this, in John 19:10-11!).

Psalm 84:12 and Proverbs 16:20 offer a slightly different “take” on the idea of trust in the Lord, however: In both these verses, the word for trusting in the Lord expresses the ideas of feeling safe; bold or confident to the point of being “careless” (but ONLY in the sense of being free from cares, NOT “negligent”). This blessing results from recognizing and prizing the fellowship and association, the sense of closeness and comfort that comes from standing in the presence of the Almighty! Imagine the confidence Israel’s soldiers must have felt when Joshua reminded them (Joshua 23:10) of Moses’ promise in Leviticus 26:8 – “One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.” THIS image of “confident trust” mirrors Caleb’s words in Numbers 13:30 (“…we are well able…”)!

Trusting in the Lord is a choice. Our “own understanding” can be easily led astray (see Genesis 3:6, or 37:32-34), so it’s crucial to be “educated” in the knowledge of God — the bible — so we are equipped to make informed choices about eternity (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16-17). When we choose to place our trust in the LORD, our lives are dramatically simplified by that decision! By choosing fellowship with our Creator, we become eligible to enjoy the relief of care He offers through His Son – and we are able to mirror the “confident trust” of a Caleb or David!

-Dave Rogers


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