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Church Blog

The Laborers in the Vineyard

This parable stands out because it speaks to the idea of “seniority” among the Lord’s servants as a way of illustrating the nature of the heavenly kingdom. The background is Peter’s question about the rewards he and the other apostles could expect, in view of their (perceived) sacrifices (Matthew 19:27). Jesus promises them positions of “prominence” (vs. 28), but tempers their expectations by noting that ALL who sacrifice for the sake of His kingdom should anticipate a rich reward (“an…

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

This parable was addressed to people “who trusted in themselves, that they were righteous.” It may have been presented in the actual location where the “story” was set (between the altar and the temple wall). Jesus shows two men who enter the temple specifically to pray. In the ancient Hebrew mind, actually praying IN the temple was being as near God’s presence as was humanly possible. The men enter at one of the normal hours for prayer, but the similarities…

The Parable of the Unjust Steward

(This parable was probably addressed to the same audience as the parables of “lost” things in Luke 15. It seems to be directed more specifically at the Lord’s disciples, but verse 14 shows that that there were scribes and Pharisees present too.) In the Lord’s “story,” a wealthy man has learned that his steward is misusing his estate. He sends word to the servant word that his “accounts” will soon be audited. It appears that the master has already seen…

Rules for Happy LIving

Do you desire a “Happy Life”? Follow these rules and you will enjoy happiness that cannot be found in “things” of this world. 1. Count your blessing, not your troubles. Though we have many problems in life, we are still richly blessed. The plaque on the wall stated, “I grumbled and complained because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had not feet.” 2. Live one day at a time. Regardless of what Satan may throw at…