Rich Mullins compiled the words to a spiritual song, which was released in 1988, titled “Awesome God.” “Our God is an awesome God; He reigns in heaven above; With wisdom, power, and love; Our God is an awesome God.” It is a simple arrangement; yet, the words are powerfully true! Briefly, let’s consider four principles that the song sets forth to remind us of our God who should fill us with awe.
First, the song reminds us that our God is awesome because of His position. It reminds us that He is God. It reminds us that He reigns. It reminds us that He’s in Heaven. In all of these, He is ABOVE, and that is awesome!
Second, the song reminds us that our God is awesome because of His wisdom. When I think of His wisdom, I am reminded of the fact that He has all knowledge (Psalm 139:1–6). When I think of His wisdom, I am reminded of the fact that He has foreknowledge (Matthew 6:32). When I think of His wisdom, I am reminded that there is not an idea or teaching made up by man, that God has not already considered, and answered. Several religious teachers lay claim to coming up with innovative teachings, which typically stand in contradiction with God’s Word. And yet, God’s Word has already given the answer the questions that arise in these false teachers. God’s wisdom should bring us to our knees in awe.
Third, the song reminds us that our God is awesome because of His power. Just one angel of God destroyed 185,000 soldiers in one night (2 Kings 19:35). Jesus said, I could call 12 legions of angels (Matthew 26:53). My understanding is this would have been at least 36,000 angels. Try to wrap your mind around that kind of power. Yet, our Lord chose to fulfill Scripture and become the perfect sacrifice for our sins. What man or machine has the power to take away sins? Yet, God has chosen to place that power within our very hands. Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).
Fourth, the song reminds us that our God is awesome because of His love. Had Jesus called on those 12 legions of angels, the promise to Satan in the presence of Adam & Eve would not have been upheld (Genesis 3:15). Had Jesus called on those 12 legions of angels, the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would not have been kept. Had Jesus called on those 12 legions of angels, no one under the Old Testament would be saved. Had Jesus called on those 12 legions of angels, no one under the New Testament could be saved. Most importantly, had Jesus called on those 12 legions of angels, we could not know love (cf. 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:10, 19).
Our God is awesome. Are you in awe of Him? Do you serve Him?
-Clifton Angel
Clifton preaches for the Coldwater church of Christ in Coldwater, MS