Past Events (Page 11)

Past Events (Page 11)

Jun 3 – 7, 2019

Girls’ Day Camp

McDonough COC Girls’ Day Camp, (9am-4pm) grades 6-12
Jun 2, 2019

VBS Meeting

VBS Meeting after the AM Services
May 12, 2019

Senior Recognition Dinner

Senior Recognition Dinner hosted by the Elder’s wives.  Our seniors are Laura Gibson & Randell Bell.
May 10, 2019

Lad’s Planning Cookout

Lad’s Planning Cookout at the home of Jenny Gwinn at 6:30pm. You are invited join us in helping plan 2020 LTL Program.
May 5, 2019

Frog’s Day

FROG’s Day after the PM Service.  We will order pizza, cost is $5.00, see Staci Killingsworth.