Our Response to COVID-19

Our Response to COVID-19

March 19, 2021 Update

As of Sunday, March 21st, we are once again meeting in person for Sunday bible classes and worship assemblies at 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 5:00 PM.  We will also begin hosting in-person midweek devotionals and bible classes on Wednesday, March 24th at 7:00 PM.

We WILL continue to encourage socially-distanced seating in all settings, and the use of masks and hand sanitizer will continue to be encouraged.  Our Tuesday morning bible classes will resume in September.

December 11, 2020 Update

We are meeting in person only on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM due to an uptick in virus infections within the congregation.  Seating is socially-distanced, sanitizer is readily available, and the use of masks is encouraged.  All Sunday Bible classes are on hiatus until after the first of the year, as are our Tuesday morning men’s and ladies’ classes.  Our Sunday evening service is an online-only service, as is our Wednesday night bible class.

All of our other activities — Lads, bible bowl, etc. — are postponed until after the first of the year. We don’t know when we’ll be able to start then (won’t be January 1), but will let you know ASAP!

NEW: Online giving is now available.

May 7, 2020

As of last Sunday, May 3rd, the Fayetteville congregation is once again meeting in person for worship on Sundays, subject to the current social distancing guidelines.  Our Sunday morning worship service is being held in the main auditorium at 10 AM, and our Sunday evening service is being conducted in the fellowship building at 5 PM.  Both services will continue to be live-streamed on our website (mornings) and via the Zoom video-conferencing program we have been using for the past couple of months (evenings).  These are the only services currently being conducted in person, because leaving the buildings vacant during the week allows sufficient time for both facilities to become “sterile” between each use.  Both services are also being live-streamed on the church’s Facebook page.  The links on our website will remain active for the foreseeable future.

Please note that our Wednesday midweek adult and teen classes will continue to be conducted via the Zoom app until further notice, as it is simply not practical to practice social distancing in our classrooms.  Some of our children’s bible class teachers are continuing to record and post classes for their students on our website, and we encourage our parents to help their children view these as well.  This coming Tuesday will mark the final Tuesday Men’s/Ladies’ class for this spring; God willing, when this class resumes in the fall, we will be able to meet in person once more.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Our members who are at elevated risk from the Coronavirus due to age or a compromised health condition are urged to continue worshipping in their homes for the time being.  If you need communion supplies, or assistance getting set up to watch the live-stream of our services, please contact the church office on Mondays or Thursdays, and we will try to get these needs addressed.

God bless all of you, and stay safe!